10 Greatest Golf Movies of All Time

With the Oscars coming up, we thought we’d throw on our movie critic hats with something a little different. We took an informal poll of the Austad’s staff and came up with what can only be called “The Definitive Ranking of Golf Movies In the World…Ever”. No one ever accused us of being modest, but it’s not our fault if we’re just that awesome.
Without further ado, here are the top 10 Golf Movies of All Time:
10. Tommy’s Honour (2016)
This one probably isn’t quite fair as not all of our staff had seen this flick. A solid golf-centered drama about the founders of the game we all love. Probably slightly underrated if you ask the writer of this article. J If you like golf, history or period pieces, it’s definitely worth a watch.
8. Caddyshack 2 (1988) *Tie
Is it funny? Sure. Is the cast decent? Yep. Does it live up to the original? Heck no! Let’s be honest - Caddyshack 2 is fine. It’s a good movie to put on if you’re trying to kill an hour and a half and need something mildly amusing. It’s not as awful as people make it out to be but it’s gotta be hard to follow in the footsteps of a wildly successful and charming big brother.
8. Who’s Your Cadddy (2007) *Tie
It’s probably apt that this 2007 golf flick tied with Caddyshack. It’s mildly entertaining, but definitely not worth the price of admission. It actually has an approval rating of just 6% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is technically just short of Congress’s approval rating, so not that bad? Who’s Your Caddy does have one thing going for it – Bill Clinton said it’s his favorite movie. So if Bill Clinton is your gold standard in taste, you’ll probably love this movie too.
7. A Gentleman’s Game (2002)
This was another movie that not all of our staff had seen and it gets decent, if not great reviews from those who have seen it. Part golf movie, part coming of age flick, it’s a good mix of drama and humor. Definitely worth a watch if that sounds like something up your alley.
6. Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius (2004)
This is another probably slightly underrated flick that gives you a good look into the life of one of the largest figures in golf’s history. It’s a very solid movie and great if you love biographies. While the plot won’t be a shock to anyone who knows about Jones’ history, it’s a great look at what propels people to achieve greatness on the course.
5. The Legend of Bagger Vance (2000)
There must have been something going on in Hollywood in the early 2000’s. My guess is that the rise of Tiger led film studios to realize that there is a decent market for golf movies. Bagger Vance is a good golf movie that’s got a very good cast. Matt Damon, Will Smith, Charlize Theron – I’m not sure you could ask for much more. If you haven’t watched this one – it’s a perfect watch to get you pumped for golf season.
4. The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005)
True confession time: the writer of this article is an absolute sucker for heartwarming tales of the underdog. Especially when it’s got that Disney magic. The Greatest Game Ever Played has all the elements of a great sports drama set on the golf course. It’s engaging, the build of the drama is really good (if slightly overstated from the true story), and it’s got a hell of a rewarding finish. Watch this one with the family the weekend before the Masters. It’ll definitely get you in the right mindset.
3. Tin Cup (1996)
*Note – profanity in clip*
This is the only movie on the list where the video is actually just a clip from the movie – not the trailer. There’s a reason for that. The “give me another ball” moment is so good and so cringey-amazing. The build of the character has you rooting so hard that Roy McAvoy will just clear the hazard. Great movie and definitely deserving of the #3 spot.
2. Happy Gilmore (1996)
Ok, we know that Adam Sandler is not everyone’s cup of tea. However, this is a golf movie that has absolutely permeated the culture at large. Like most of Sandler’s comedies, it’s got a great heartwarming story at it’s core and there are some honest to god laugh out loud moments. Bob Barker anyone?
1. Caddyshack (1980)
Could any other movie really be #1 on a list of great golf movies? Caddyshack is straight up one of the best comedies of all time and it is iconic. Bill Murray, Chevy Chase (the cool, young version), Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, Bill Murray's brother and a dancing gopher - it's a literal who's who of late 70's/early 80's comedy. Caddyshack is amazing and if you haven’t watched it yet, what the heck have you been doing with your life?
Honorable mentions:
Seven Days in Utopia (2011)
The Squeeze (2015)
Hope you enjoyed our ranking! Let us know what we got wrong or what we missed in the comments.